The SEO universe is constantly changing. As years go by, new optimization tactics pop up, and new demands rise. At the moment, there are two things that are part of the SEO movement: niche edits and guest posts. 

Although these two are some of the strongest tools on the market, many people are still confused and don’t know how they can help. They see the number of link insertion agency options and wonder what makes them so essential, or they wonder whether guest posts are a better alternative to niche edits. 

Since building a strong and perfect SEO strategy for your business is at the top of your priorities, choosing one of these methods is of utmost importance. So, which one of the two works better for SEO? In this article, we will take a look at the link insertion service and guest posting technique and compare them to help you select the right one. 

What Are Niche Edits?

Niche edits, also known as link insertions, are contextual backlinks that get inserted into an already existing article. Because the article has been online for a while, Google has already indexed it, which means that there is a higher chance of the link going into a high-quality post. 

People usually go for a niche edits agency because it guarantees them the traffic and authority of a well-established platform and piece of content for the backlinks. Since no new content creation is required, it’s easier for link insertions to generate top-notch backlinks. 

If you want to boost your SEO performance more quickly, then a link insertion company is definitely the right choice. 

The Advantages of Niche Edits

There are many reasons why someone would pick a link insertion service as part of their SEO strategy. Here is how niche edits can help:

  • Quick Results

One of the best parts about using a niche edits service is the fact that you see results faster. Now, this makes perfect sense if you think about it – the backlinks are inserted into older content that has already been deemed good by Google and ranked as high-quality. So, it’s not surprising that your SEO can improve significantly not long after your link is included by a platform’s owner or editor. 

  • Good Prices

If you want to establish a strong SEO strategy on a budget, link insertions are the way to go. They’re more cost-effective as no new content creation is required. You will just have your link inserted into existing content. 

No post will be written from scratch, which means that you get to save money in the process while working to meet your SEO goals. 

  • Link Longevity

When you use a link insertion agency, you can rest assured that your link will remain valuable for SEO in the long run. As long as the content your link was added to keeps getting shares and traffic, you have nothing to worry about. That being said, link longevity is ensured with niche edits. 

What Are Guest Posts?

If you don’t want to use a niche edits company, maybe you can try guest posting. This is a unique SEO technique meant to promote your content. 

With guest posting, you write a piece of content for a different platform in your field. For example, if your website or blog focuses on health-related products, then you can guest post for health blogs. The main goal of this strategy is to get a link that directs people to your site, helping you increase traffic, get a larger audience, and build trust. 

When you create a guest post, you are providing another blogger or site owner with a valuable piece of content. In return, you get to build a relationship with a high authority in your niche, gain more exposure, boost your authority in the community, and get the backlinks you desire. 

Guest posting has been a widely popular SEO technique for a while now. Thanks to its link-building benefits, it’s still used by many content creators. Besides, both parties involved in the process – you and the website you’re writing for – gain something out of this, so it’s a win-win situation.

The Advantages of Guest Posts

Guest posts have many benefits and bring different advantages from using a niche edits service. Here’s what you can get from writing guest posts:

  • Increasing Your Audience

When you place a guest post on another site, you have access to a whole new audience. Your content gets promoted to other individuals, and if they like what they see, they might even visit your platform and stick around. Guest posting will let you include a link back to your website in the content, which means that readers who want to learn more will be able to access your platform. 

Because your audience will grow as a result, your website traffic can increase, helping you get more customers and leads. 

  • Establishing Strong Relationships

Advancing in your industry is perhaps one of your goals. Well, guest posting makes it easy to build relationships with high-authority websites and businesses in your niche. Considering you are writing valuable pieces of content for other blog owners, they get new articles filled with useful information for their readers. 

This can kickstart a great relationship that can lead to new business opportunities for both of you in the future. 

  • Becoming an Authority Figure

When you start working with industry experts, you will boost your authority in the field. Since you are writing guest posts, you are showing off your knowledge, and people will be able to see that you know your business. As such, your brand or blog will be seen as one of the industry’s leaders.

  • Getting More Exposure and Brand Awareness

As you contribute content to high-authority blogs in the same field, you will become more popular, as an audience that never knew about you in the first place becomes aware of your presence. It’s a great way to get more exposure and build brand awareness. 

Which One Is Better?

Choosing between a guest posting service and a link insertion company can be extremely challenging. While they are different, they are both valuable SEO practices with the power to help you become and stay relevant. Both a link insertion service and guest posts have their own benefits and can help you meet your goals in different ways. 

The main difference between guest posting and a niche edits service is the fact that the latter involves inserting backlinks into pre-existing articles, whereas the former involves writing new content from scratch for a blog. That being said, niche edits can achieve the same results, but without the effort and costs of writing and publishing a guest post. 

In the end, different techniques work for different bloggers and website owners. Still, keep in mind that they can both be part of a strong link building strategy. 

The best way to decide whether you should go for guest posting or a link insertion service is to compare their advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take one more look at the benefits of these two SEO techniques, starting with niche edits:

  • Blog and site owners accept link insertion more easily compared to guest posts
  • They involve field-specific content
  • They have a faster effect on the target site and its ranking
  • You do not need to write any new content

Meanwhile, guest posts can provide the following:

  • Improved authority
  • Establishing relationships with other high authorities in the niche
  • Getting more exposure on social media
  • Bringing more traffic to your site
  • Creating unique and highly specific content
  • Showing that the author is an expert 
  • Establishing a good brand reputation
  • Having the chance to access a wider audience

The strengths of niche edits and guest posts cannot be overlooked. If used correctly, they can both promote your website/blog, helping you grow. In the end, the one you choose depends on your preferences and possibilities. For instance, guest posting may not work for you unless you are able to provide high-quality content. On the other hand, with link insertions, you must make sure that the link isn’t spammy and that it adds more value. 

Compare the pros and cons of the practices and, if you can, test them. You can then choose one that is more effective or use a mix of both depending on the case. In the end, niche edits and guest posts can complement each other and help you reach your SEO goals. 

Final Thoughts

A link insertion service can be cheaper and provide high-quality backlinks, whereas guest posts establish you as a niche expert and can bring more traffic to your website. There is no exact answer to which one is better. Both a link insertion agency and a guest posting service can boost your Google ranking – it’s just that they work for different purposes. Take your time to compare the two SEO approaches and test them, so that you can see which one is more advantageous for you.