When it comes to marketing and driving visitors your way, there are plenty of effective options to go for. You can create SEO-rich content for your website, go for traditional paid advertising, mouth-to-mouth marketing, and more. That said, two methods stand at the top of the popularity pyramid: guest blogging and blogger outreach. 

Both have a way to bring visitors to your website from other domains, but while similar, the way they do it is different. To be successful when using these strategies, you need to understand their similarities and distinctions. In this article, you will learn more about both strategies so that you can incorporate them efficiently.

Understanding Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a type of content that you write and post on websites other than your own. Plenty of blogs accept other people to post content on their website, especially if they have a posting calendar to fill but not enough time to create the content. When you write the blog, you also sneak in links to your website, drawing customers your way.

Guest blogging is beneficial because it gives you access to a pool of people you may not have been able to reach before. It also offers you the liberty to write the content in whichever way you see fit, or you can have some guest post outreach services handle it. As long as you are in mutual agreement and respect their guidelines, you should be able to get quite a few backlinks from their platform.  

Guest blogging comes with a series of benefits that you can take advantage of. This includes the following: 

  • Brand Exposure

At this point, you have already built a brand, and the people in your area or following your website already know you are reliable. However, you have to increase your reach even more to get as many sales as possible. This is where guest blogging comes in to help. 

With guest blogging, you can promote your service or product on a website that already has authority. Not only can this build your brand as reliable, but it also offers the opportunity to show that you know your stuff. And by sneaking links in, you can draw them to your website and increase your traffic.

  • Improved Search Engine Ranking

For you to have any kind of reach online, you need to make search engines see you. If you are seen as an authority with a significant online presence, chances are that Google will place you higher on search results. This way, if someone puts down a keyword from your guest posts, your service should appear at the top of the results page.

Guest posting allows you to build quality backlinks that fall naturally within the content. This is precisely what search engines want the most: for the content to be reliable. And the more people click on those links, the higher your ranking should be. 

  • Stronger Brand Authority

Guest posting is an efficient way to get people to trust your brand. You may have the information necessary on your website, but unless they see it from a credible source, they may not be as inclined to go with your service. 

With guest blogging, while you are piggybacking on another provider’s domain, it allows you to show that you are an expert in what you offer. Whether you write the content yourself or use guest blogging outreach services to do the work for you, the information you give will prove they can trust your brand.

  • Brand Voicing

When you run a business, you must become synonymous with “expertise.” Creating authority in your niche means that you will need to connect with your viewers and resonate with them. This way, your brand can get more momentum. 

Guest blogging can help you in this regard, mainly because it offers you significant control over the content. You can choose the voice and content, as long as it meets the requirements the host asks for. This should help offer a relatable voice for your brand. 

Learning More about Blogger Outreach

Blogger outreach also involves getting your business or links mentioned on other platforms, this time through the hands of the bloggers themselves. Rather than relying on guest post outreach services to write the content for you, the bloggers themselves will likely be the ones to do so. All you have to do is educate them to talk about your business, hopefully in a favorable way, and steer clients your way. 

While guest blogging usually directs to your website in an indirect manner, blogger outreach is different. For instance, maybe the platform you are reaching to has thousands of followers on their beauty blog, and you have a facial mask to sell. The blogger can write a review about your product, talk about your brand, and hopefully influence other people into buying what you have to sell.

Overall, blogger outreach may be beneficial for a variety of reasons, especially when you compare it to guest blogging. Here are the most important advantages that you should keep in mind:

  • Influential Endorsement

Guest blogging can give you access to a higher pool, but it still looks like an advertisement for many people. It doesn’t matter that all you do is offer information; they prefer their information to come from a source they already know they can trust. 

Bloggers already have a unique resonance with their followers. An average of 45 percent of people would trust what an influencer says if the context is right. Since bloggers are mostly influencers who reach viewers through written content, they can endorse your brand and hopefully improve your conversion. 

  • Content Co-Creation

Guest posting is like writing for your blog, but instead of posting on your own website, you do so on others. This offers access to quality links and audience, especially if the host website is high authority. That said, you still need to write that content yourself, which can be very challenging if you do not have the time or skill for that.

By partnering with influencer bloggers, you collaborate for the content creation. You can use their expertise and distinct voice to resonate with your followers. This should make it much easier for you to send a message, all while offering quality content to your audience.

  • Brand Awareness with Little Effort

Nowadays, having an established circle is no longer enough if you wish to be successful. You need to get as much recognition as possible so that you can turn your efforts into profit. The problem is that this cannot usually be done without going the extra mile and providing regular content for SEO purposes. 

This is where blogger outreach is helpful. It can expand your audience and improve awareness of your brand, allowing you into uncharted territories. As the bloggers recommend using your product, visibility will grow as more and more people become aware of your services.

When to Use Either Option?

Both options have plenty of similarities in the sense that they offer brand exposure and bring visitors back to your website through backlinks. That said, one works with platforms from your niche, whereas the other works with influencers. This means that, despite both being great marketing channels, the result might differ depending on your goal.

If you wish to establish yourself as an authority in your domain, then guest blogging is likely the way to go. With this option, you can present the information exactly the way the user needs it. It helps you bring your brand forward and establish trust with the viewers, as they will know you are an expert in your niche. 

Instead of focusing on authority, blogger outreach helps you get some quick coverage, relying on the influencer’s popularity. Bloggers already know what they are talking about and have a list of dedicated followers who will trust their judgment that they are recommending a good product. It is a good option if you do not have the resources or time to write your own content.

Other than that, both options are great if you have already built a name for yourself, and you want to rely on external platforms for visitors. A good tip would be to use a combination of both options, as you can easily tap into a larger pool of potential customers. Even if you do not have the time to write the content or create your networks, you can use guest blogging outreach services to simplify matters. Cumulated with your website SEO strategy, these methods can help increase your online presence and reach. 

The Bottom Line

Both blogger outreach and guest blogging can be very effective ways for you to tap into other audience pools, increasing your website traffic. You just need to determine what your goals are, as well as your strategies and budget. Once you establish these, you should be able to enjoy more awareness for your brand.