

From Freelancer to EasyLink Studio

EasyLink Studio was not part of a big plan. Our CEO started out offering SEO services to different companies about 10 years ago via various freelance platforms such as Elance and oDesk at the time. 

As he always, gave his best to bring results and his customers were very satisfied with them, and his portfolio of clients grew and so did their needs. This is how the dream of EasyLink Studio was born, a place where customers can always find the links they are looking for, a guest posting marketplace if we can call it that. 

As a result, around 5 years, ago the website https://easylink.studio/ came to life. We still have clients that we are working with even since then. If this is not a testimony of quality and great services, then we do not know what is! 

However, the road ahead was not a short one. But he knew that if he just stuck to the principles he had in mind from the very start, his dream would become reality. And the principles were actually some very simple ones:

  • always be transparent with your customers
  • the client comes first, no matter what
  • if your clients are happy, the business will grow by itself, in due course

Even if EasyLink Studio was still at the beginning of our journey, we have already served more than 100 customers and have provided services to some big companies such as NordVPN, BlackFin, Loganix and Seeders.

We expect to grow exponentially in the coming years and we hope that you will be a part of that!

Identifying The Right Websites

Many are wondering how our database got to be comprised of more than 15,000 websites that accept guest posts. This has actually been an ongoing process for us and not something that happened over night. Each month we contact at least 1000 websites out of which we curate the ones that we feel will serve our customers best. So, we have made contact with at least 60,000 websites up to now and keep only the good ones for you. At EasyLink, you can be sure there is no middleman involved and we are the only bridge between you and the guest posts that you want to publish.

Grow Your Traffic, Grow Your Rankings

While we can never promise that your traffic or rankings will grow, as this depends directly on your strategy, we can promise that we will provide you with the best resources to achieve that. Our whole team is at your disposal, and we have just one mission – to help you achieve your marketing goals. This is why we are one of the most reliable solutions when it comes to guest posting services and while we do not like to brag, we are confident that you will love us at least a little bit. We speak from the heart!

Your Opinion Matters to Us

We are constantly learning. And although we do our best to avoid it, we also make mistakes from time to time. This is why we are always interested in what you have to say and on how we can improve. So…

Let’s Chat

If you have questions.

If you have recommendations.

If you'd like to place an order.

Or just to know us better.


Nicolae Oblu 18A, Bloc B1, Iasi County, Iasi City, Romania
